The Supervisory Board

The Su­per­vi­so­ry Board of the Rheinis­che Post Me­di­en­gruppe con­sists of seven mem­bers. It is presid­ed over by Friedich Joussen (chairman), Florian Merz-Betz (1st deputy chair­man), Martin Ebel (2nd deputy chair­man) and Fe­lix Droste (3rd deputy chair­man)

(Chairman Friedrich Joussen (2nd from left side) and his deputy chairman Florian Merz-Betz, Martin Ebel and Felix Droste, from left to right)

The members of the Supervisory Board


The members of the Supervisory Board

  • Friedrich Joussen (chairman)
  • Florian Merz-Betz (1st deputy chairman)
  • Martin Ebel (2nd deputy chairman)
  • Felix Droste (3rd deputy chairman)
  • Rainer Beaujean
  • Dr. Martin Hüttermann
  • Hans-Georg Roth