
Which for­mat would you like? Small, large or ex­tra-large? Broad­sheet or tabloid? Clas­sic or mod­ern? The me­dia group’s print shop can do (al­most) ev­ery­thing. News­pa­pers, ad­ver­tis­ing pa­pers, brochure, mag­a­zines and sup­ple­ments are pro­duced at the print­ing lo­ca­tion in Düssel­dorf – just as the cus­tomer re­quests.

Rheinisch-Bergische Druckerei

The ro­tary press­es sel­dom stand still at the Düssel­dorf print­ing cen­tre of the Rheinisch-Ber­gis­che Druck­erei (RBD). From Sun­day to Sat­ur­day all edi­tions of the Rheinis­che Post, West­deutsche Zeitung, Rem­schei­der Gen­er­alanzeiger, Solinger Tageblatt and the Bocholt-Borkener Volksblatt are pro­duced here in a weekly print run of around 1.8 million daily newspaper copies along with 2.5 mil­lion ad­ver­tis­ing pa­pers and mag­a­zines as well as di­verse ad­ver­tis­ing print jobs for dif­fer­ent cus­tomers. 

130 em­ploy­ees man­u­fac­ture high-qual­i­ty print­ed prod­ucts us­ing both con­ven­tion­al print­ing meth­ods and the wa­ter­less roll off­set print­ing method. Whether broad­sheet or tabloid, mag­a­zine, su­per panora­ma or glued in­serts – vir­tu­al­ly no lim­its are im­posed on the cus­tomer’s wish­es. “We are more than a pub­lish­er and al­so more than a print shop”, says Kirsten Klaszus, man­ag­ing di­rec­tor of Rheinisch-Ber­gis­che Druck­erei. “We take our cus­tomers’ mes­sages and prod­uct ideas and trans­form them in­to suc­cess­ful prod­uct cat­e­gories that we re­alise and dis­tribute.” Be­yond print­ing, there­fore, the RBD of­fers a com­plete pack­age of ser­vices, from lay­out to pack­ag­ing to de­liv­ery to the re­spon­si­ble mail dis­tri­bu­tion cen­tre.

The print cen­tre in Düssel­dorf is cer­ti­fied to the Pro­cess Stan­dard Off­set Print­ing (PSO) and is mem­ber of the cli­mate ini­tia­tive of the Bun­des­ver­ban­d Druck und Me­di­en.

Your contact

Rhei­nisch-Ber­gi­sche Dru­cke­rei GmbH
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40549 Düs­sel­dorf

Phone 0211 505 2543