Market research

How can we make our prod­ucts even bet­ter? How do our tar­get groups per­ceive our me­dia? What about the ad­ver­tis­ing ef­fect? These are re­search and anal­y­sis pro­jects with which the delta mar­ket re­search in­sti­tute con­cerns it­self.

delta Marktforschung

The delta team rep­re­sents three decades of me­dia re­search; its pro­jects con­cen­trate on print­ed, on­line and mo­bile me­dia, ad­ver­tis­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. “Our claim is to pro­vide in­ten­sive con­sul­ta­tion at the high­est qual­i­ty lev­el. In do­ing so we nev­er lose sight of the cus­tomer's bud­get. The most im­por­tant thing is that the cus­tomer re­ceives con­crete start­ing points for his work at the end”, ex­plains man­ag­ing di­rec­tor Jo­han­na Het­tler.

The in­de­pen­dent in­sti­tute not on­ly sup­ports re­search and anal­y­sis pro­jects for com­pa­nies be­long­ing to the Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe, such as the Tageszeitung (dai­ly pa­per) or, but al­so works for ex­ter­nal clients. A tai­lor-made study con­cept is cre­at­ed for each cus­tomer.

delta guar­an­tees qual­i­ty in all phas­es of the re­search pro­cess: the in­sti­tute ap­plies cur­rent method stan­dards de­vel­oped by the Ar­beit­skreis deutsche Mark­t­forschungsin­sti­tute (ADM) [Work­ing Group of Ger­man Mar­ket Re­search In­sti­tutes], the Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft Media-Ana­lyse ( [Me­dia Anal­y­sis Con­sor­tium] and the Zen­tral­ver­band der deut­schen Wer­be­wirt­schaft (ZAW) [Cen­tral As­so­ci­a­tion of the Ger­man Ad­ver­tis­ing Trade]. delta Mark­t­forschung is a mem­ber of the Berufs­ver­band Deut­scher Markt- und Sozi­al­for­scher (BVM) [Pro­fes­sion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Mar­ket and So­cial Re­searchers].

Your contact

delta Markt­for­schung
Gesell­schaft für Markt­for­schung,
Ana­lyse und Bera­tung mbH
Ams­ter­da­mer Str. 192
50735 Köln

Johanna Hett­ler
Phone 0221 224 27 30