Reading promotion

Awakening young people’s enthusiasm for media and promoting their interest in current topics – the media group does that with projects for children and young people. Secondary school pupils from the first to the fourth forms become reporters in ‘Pupils Read The Newspaper’; the Kid’s University explains scientific topics and young people undergoing apprenticeships read the newspaper in ‘News to Use’. If you would like to get involved together with the media group: become a newspaper sponsor.

School projects

If you want to see young peo­ple grow up to be ac­tive, in­ter­est­ed mem­bers of so­ci­ety, there’s hard­ly any­thing you can do that has more long-last­ing ef­fects than to con­vey to them the joy of read­ing. “We want to awak­en young peo­ples’ in­ter­est in me­dia and to show them that the news­pa­per is a young, ex­cit­ing prod­uct with which, in­ci­den­tal­ly, one can learn a great deal,” says Pascal Schmidt.

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Your Contact

Christina Schiffner
Phone +49 211 505-1272

Apprentice projects

News to Use: Those who read the news­pa­per ev­ery day can join in con­ver­sa­tions; they are in­formed about cur­rent top­ics when talk­ing to cus­tomers and, in­ci­den­tal­ly, they can al­so im­prove their own lin­guis­tic skills.

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Your Contact

Thorsten Wille
Phone +49 211 505-1291

Become a newspaper sponsor

Readers and customers of the media group can be involved together with the company: be­come a news­pa­per spon­sor for a school or a so­cial in­sti­tu­tion!

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Your Contact

Thorsten Wille
Phone +49 211 505-1291