Advertising paper publishing houses

Very lo­cal – and thus very close to the read­er: The Rheinis­che Post Me­di­en­gruppe has a hold­ing in eight na­tion­al ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per pub­lish­ing hous­es. To­geth­er they dis­tribute around 2.3 mil­lion free ad­ver­tis­ing pa­pers to the re­gion’s house­holds ev­ery week.

Kurier Verlag GmbH, Neuss

With its ad­ver­tis­ing pa­pers the Kuri­er Ver­lag reach­es weekly around 145,000 house­holds in Neuss, Kaarst, Greven­broich, Rom­merkirchen and Jüchen. The ed­i­to­ri­al staff want not to on­ly in­form, but al­so to cham­pi­on the in­ter­ests of peo­ple in the re­gion with their ar­ti­cles.

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Your contact

Kurier Ver­lag GmbH, Neuss
Mosel­straße 14
41464 Neuss

Ste­fan Men­ciotti
Phone +49 (0) 2131 404 27 4

Wuppertaler Rundschau

With 162,000 copies circulated on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the Wuppertaler Rundschau is read by nearly all households in the city. Four times a year, the Rundschau team also brings out Wuppertal’s edition of the lifestyle journal “Top Magazin” and is the largest publisher of local special interest print products. The publishing house releases the culinary guide “So schmeckt Wuppertal” (A taste of Wuppertal) annually with tests of almost all restaurants in the suspension railway city, as well as the apprenticeship guide "YOLO", and a large number of district magazines.

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Your contact

Rund­schau Ver­lags­ge­sell­schaft mbH
Johan­nis­berg 7
42103 Wup­per­tal

Lutz Rensch
Phone +49 (0) 202 27144 30

Panorama Anzeigenblatt GmbH

Panorama Anzeigenblatt GmbH brings together the newspaper activities of the Rheinische Post Mediengruppe and the W. Girardet publishing group. Midweek and at the weekend, the publisher releases titles such as the Düsseldorfer Anzeiger, the Stadt-Spiegel for Krefeld, Mönchengladbach and Viersen, Lokal Anzeiger Erkrath, Schaufenster Mettmann and the Extra-Tipp editions for Mönchengladbach, Krefeld, Viersen, Willich and Meerbusch. In light of this, a total of around 1.5 million copies are circulated on a weekly basis.

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Ihr Ansprechpartner

Pan­orama Anzei­gen­blatt GmbH
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40196 Düs­sel­dorf

Tho­mas Kol­mer 
Phone +49 (0) 211 505 26 530

Blickpunkt und Schaufenster, Bonn

The two free advertising papers are published in Bonn and the Rhine-Sieg district on the left bank of the Rhine with six local editions and are distributed free of charge to more than 226,000 households and businesses every week. The same number is reached once again with the WEEKEND editions, which are published on Saturdays.

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Your contacts

Rhein-Sieg-Anzeigenblatt GmbH
Robert-Kirchhoff-Str. 1
53121 Bonn

Dirk Bellmann, Verlagsleitung
Jan Dahmen, Redaktionsleitung
Petra Fischer, Verkaufsleitung

Phone +49 (0) 228 98875-0

Advertising papers from the Saarbrücker Zeitungsgruppe

With its pub­li­ca­tions Wochen­spiegel (Saar­land), Die Woch (Saar­land / Tri­er), Volks­fre­und-TIPP, the Saar­brück­er Zeitungs­gruppe has high-reach ad­ver­tis­ing and week­ly pa­pers in their in­di­vid­u­al sales re­gions. They reach about 1.6 mil­lion house­holds ev­ery week.

In the Saar­land sales re­gion, the Saar­brück­er Zeitungs­gruppe pub­lish­es the Wochen­spiegel on Wednes­days and Die Woch on Sat­ur­days via the Saarländis­che Wochen­blatt Ver­lags­ge­sellschaft (SWV) with each reach­ing more than 0.5 mil­lion house­holds.

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Your contact

Saar­brü­cker Zei­tung 
Ver­lag und Dru­cke­rei GmbH
Guten­berg­straße 11-23
66117 Saar­brü­cken

Thomas Marx 
Phone +49 (0) 681 502 1800​content/​home/​​content/​diewoch​